Introducing the Nordic Sync Model
Fri May 5th 13:40-14:00 | Suecia
In 2015, Nordic rights holders agreed on a shared model for sync licensing. The process of creating the model started years before, in a time where broadcasters and producers were severely limiting their use of copyright music. Now the model represents something unique in the world of licensing. Nordic Copyright Bureau will give you some insights into the model and its purpose.
Meet Gina Rosland Eide/Nordic Copyright Bureau.

Gina Rosland Eide (DK/NO)
Music Clearance & Client Relations Manager, NCB (Nordic Copyright Bureau)
Gina Rosland Eide is the Music Clearance & Client Relations Manager at NCB (Nordisk Copyright Bureau) in Copenhagen. She is the eyes and ears of the organization towards the movie- and TV-industry making sure that Nordic movies and TV-producers have all correct information about the new license model and thereby gives producers permission to use commercial music in movies- and TV-productions.