jun 2, 2017
[Danish] Af Jesper Mardahl Så er støvet ved at lægge sig, og vi er så småt kommet på højkant igen efter et par hektiske dage med SPOT+ under SPOT Festival forleden i Aarhus. Vores udsendte ”referent”, Camilla Juul Kjærgaard, overværede en række af seminarer, og har...
maj 11, 2017
(Interview og foto af Søren Jensen Lund) Marton Naray fra Tjekkiet har flere kasketter på til SPOT. Han er Director på Czech Music Office, som er en offentligt støttet organisation, der har til formål at promovere tjekkisk musik. Selv sammenligner han det med MXD....
maj 11, 2017
(Photo by Headstart Fashion) HEADSTART FASHION afholdte under dette års SPOT-festival en spændende tværfaglig konference med hovedtemaet TRENDS. Konferencen havde et stort fremmøde af deltagere, som alle var kommet for at høre de inspirerende oplægsholdere og deres...
maj 9, 2017
[SPOT is collaborating with Jutland Station and will bring you their articles in our news section. Be sure to check out their page at http://www.jutlandstation.dk] words and photos by Louise Soares, Jutland Station. SPOT+ brought up the topic of ‘Tomorrow Comes...
maj 9, 2017
by Eleonore Witschaß Anne Haffmans (http://www.annehaffmans.de) has been part of the music business since 1994. She gained a lot of experience during her work promoting bands of British labels in Germany. Currently she is working for Domino, a British Indie label, for...
maj 8, 2017
(Top photo by Lioba Schneider) Ralph Christoph er founder og head of programme på c/o pop i Køln, som er en festival samt konference, der har kørt parallelt siden starten i 2004. Af Søren Jensen Lund Fra starten var idéen af lave en festival med lokale talenter, med...
maj 8, 2017
[SPOT is collaborating with Jutland Station and will bring you their articles in our news section. Be sure to check out their page at http://www.jutlandstation.dk] by Cyanara Vetch, feature photo by Marisse Panaligan, Jutland Station. – – – At the...
maj 8, 2017
The Danish weather was on point, announcing the forthcoming of summer season just at the very beginning of May. The youngsters were already receiving some sunny vibes at the back of the Scandinavian Center in Aarhus, next to the train tracks and forgotten, rusty,...
maj 8, 2017
[SPOT is collaborating with Jutland Station and will bring you their articles in our news section. Be sure to check out their page at http://www.jutlandstation.dk] Words and photos by Louise Soares, Jutland Station – – – ‘Breaking Bad’, ‘The Walking...
maj 6, 2017
(Photo by: Stefan Antoni Jensen) By Danna Campos Meet Torsten Mewes, Head of Artist & Label Services of Believe Digital, a worldwide digital music distributor that has been setting the reflectors on SPOT since its beginnings. With a relaxed and friendly vibe,...
maj 6, 2017
Reportage fra “Publishers & Songwriters – Myths and Facts” Myterne om forlæggere er mange og ikke altid flatterende. Men fakta er, at forlæggerne i dag spiller en vigtig rolle i en musikbranche der ikke længere kan overleve udelukkende af...
maj 6, 2017
by Eleonore Witschaß The Sziget Festival is considered the best festival in Europe. Every year around 400.000 people come and enjoy the big headlines and upcoming artists on the sziget (hungarian: island) in the middle of the river Danube. Mark Bona has been working...
maj 6, 2017
SPOT bød fredag formiddag alle internationale gæster velkommen ved en officiel reception. Nogle havde besøgt festivalen flere gange, mens det for andre var første gang. Af Kimmie Hetland Mange folk med forskellige nationaliteter og baggrunde mødtes fredag til den...
maj 6, 2017
By Eleonore Witschaß Daryl Bamonte is the Managing Director and co-owner of Schubert Music Publishing UK in London. He worked for Depeche Mode for more than 15 years (including becoming keyboard player for 3 months in 1994.) Since 2013 he makes his way from the UK to...
maj 6, 2017
[SPOT is collaborating with Jutland Station and will bring you their articles in our news section. Be sure to check out their page at http://www.jutlandstation.dk] SPOT+, the business side of SPOT, began today with plenty of seminars informing and inspiring about the...
maj 5, 2017
Pressemeddelelse Dansk musik vækster i udlandet Det globale musiksalg steg i 2016 for andet år i træk – Ifølge Ifpi (musikselskabernes brancheorganisation) var stigningen på 5,6%. (Kilde) Og de danske kunstnere har fået en solid andel af det globale salg. Koda, som...
maj 3, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
maj 3, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
maj 3, 2017
SPOT er klar til at gå i luften, og gennem de næste tre dage vil Aarhus være centrum for den internationale musikbranche. Mere end 250 shows. Det største seminar- og konference-program til dato. Over 300 internationale medie- og musikbranchefolk kommer – klar...
maj 3, 2017
Photo: Allan Niss [SPOT is collaborating with Jutland Station and will bring you their articles in our news section. Be sure to check out their page at http://www.jutlandstation.dk] SPOT Festival begins this week, bringing together music fans and local musicians in...
maj 2, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
maj 2, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
maj 1, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
maj 1, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
maj 1, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
apr 28, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
apr 28, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
apr 28, 2017
Once again this year, mxd are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
apr 23, 2017
Get all info about SPOT+ and SPOT festival using IOS or Android. Download the SPOT festival app and get all the news and updates for both the music and conference programme – including presentations on all SPOT acts, the SPOT+ conference panels and speakers etc....
apr 20, 2017
SPOT+ præsenterer i år det nystartede internationale “musikby”-samarbejde, Music Cities Network, der indtil videre består af byerne Berlin, Groningen, Hamburg, Sydney og Aarhus. Det foregår dels ved et større seminar, Music Cities Seminar, der finder sted fredag 5....
apr 19, 2017
Once again, SPOT+ is setting the big focus on the important new business areas for music, when we invite our delegates to our two separate sessions; Let’s Talk Music & Brands – Let’s Talk Sync 2.0. Both sessions will present and discuss the role of music as a...
apr 12, 2017
New addition to the SPOT+ programme focuses on the strained relationship between the video-sharing website and the music industry. In a new addition to the seminar programme CMU MD and Business Editor Chris Cooke will explain the strained relationship between YouTube...
apr 9, 2017
Keith Harris has been added to the SPOT+ programme Keith Harris is the man to go to if you want the big picture of the developments in the music industry over the last 40 years and what they mean to the artists and the business. At first working at record labels such...
apr 5, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
apr 4, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
mar 30, 2017
Benji Rogers, is a British, musician, founder of PledgeMusic and most recently CEO for and co-founder of dot.blockchainmusic.com. – and furthermore he is also on the board of the Music Of Future coalition, and teaches digital trends and strategies at Berklee College...
mar 29, 2017
[Danish] Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium inviterer til konference med fokus på guitaren. Deltagerne vil blive indviet i fire forskellige tilgange til at mestre det legendariske instrument, af fire af DJM egne undervisere. Så har du en lille Jimi Hendrix i maven, bør du...
mar 28, 2017
Once again this year, MXD are inviting several key international industry professionals to attend SPOT Festival. All of them will be joining us at the MXD Superball @ RADAR as part of the SPOT+ programme, but until the festival kicks off on May 4th, we will be...
mar 24, 2017
Check out the latest additions to the SPOT+ conference program where we focus on music business lawyers, artist managers, gender equality in the music business, and more on music & synch. Music Lawyers & Their Roles in the Modern Industry How can a music...
mar 23, 2017
c/o pop Reception, Saturday the 6th of May, 18:00 – 19:00, The SPOT+ Area One of Germany’s leading music industry conferences and showcase festivals, the Cologne-based c/o pop Festival & Convention (www.c-o-pop.de), will for the first time be hosting their...
mar 20, 2017
French Europavox invites all the music business people present at SPOT Festival to a reception on Saturday afternoon 16:30 – 17:30 in the SPOT+ Area. Europavox started as a festival in Clermont-Ferrand, France in 2006. Today it is, in part, a festival with no...
mar 9, 2017
MXD and Spot are continuously developing the International networking possibilities at Spot festival, and 2017 will be no different with the first edition of MXD’s Superball: A brand new day party and platform for the local industry and the international...
mar 8, 2017
[Danish] “Trends” bliver hovedtemaet på HEADSTART FASHIONS og SPOT+’s formiddags-konference fredag 5. maj HEADSTART FASHION og SPOT+ slår kræfterne sammen for tredje år i træk – denne gang med en konference med hovedtemaet, TRENDS. Vi udvælger folk fra...
mar 8, 2017
[Danish] En af de vigtige netværksbegivenheder under SPOT+ er ubetinget ”Meet The Talent”, hvor de nye danske og internationale talenter får mulighed for at mødes et bredt udsnit af den danske musikbranche til korte intensive speed meetings. I år bliver det endvidere...
mar 8, 2017
[Danish] SPOT Festival 2016. En ny artist ser dagens lys på den danske musikscene. Otte måneder senere. Den nye artist indtager sin syvende førsteplads på Spotify. Med mystikken som én af de vigtigste faktorer, har Gulddreng tryllebundet og provokeret musikbranchen og...
mar 1, 2017
For the 4th year in a row Believe, one of the world’s leading digital music companies, will be inviting SPOT delegates to a cosy networking brunch at the SPOT+ networking area from 10:00 – 11:00 on Saturday the 6th of May. The brunch will offer you the chance to meet...
jan 9, 2017
Welcome to 2017 The countdown to this year’s great music business event has begun, and we can now unveil a few more activities at SPOT+ 2017. “How To Breaking Bad?” It is with great pleasure that we may now announce one of the most respected music supervisors in music...
dec 19, 2016
SPOT+ Conference & Networking Tickets for SPOT+, the conference branch of the SPOT Festival are now available for purchase and to mark that we are pleased to reveal some of the highlights of next year’s activities Music & Media Friday Music & Media Friday...
dec 1, 2016