Let’s Talk Music and Brands
Let’s Talk Music & Brands focus on music & brands with the premise that the combination of the musicians’ creativity and the commercial players’ sense of business acumen create unique content which hit the target group whether it’s executed via a digital strategy, a live event or a festival activation. We will discuss why it works, the potentials and what the future will bring.
Presented by Volume in collaboration with Promus & SPOT+
Tomorrow Comes Today – Keynote by Arnon Woolfson
Arnon Woolfson is Head of Entertainment at Synergy in London (a part of The Engine Group) and Senior Supervisor at Polar Music Prize. Arnon Woolfson will open the day with an inspiring keynote speech on marketing anno 2017 – Why a music strategy makes sense with examples of why many people misunderstand what a music strategy actually is.

Arnon Woolfson (UK)
What is Hot in Creative Collaborations?
With representatives from Danish and international agencies and brands the audience will get an update on the current trends, be inspired by seminal cases and get insights on how to navigate in a varied landscape of different interests – and finally how to create strategies for brands with music as the key driver.
Panel: Arnon Wolfson/Synergy, Carl Blom/Flagstone, Johannes Dybkjær Andersen/Volume, Henrik Taudorf Lorensen/Roli, Christina Brandis/TDC/Danske Bank.
Moderator: Eric Johnson/McCann.

Eric Johnson (US)

Carl Blom (SE)

Johannes Dybkjær Andersson (DK)

Henrik Taudorf Lorensen (DK)

Christina Brandis (DK)
Artist Talk w/ Emil Simonsen & Martin Kjær Skou
Formiddagens sidste halve time er allokeret til musikerne, som er helt centrale spillere i dette mix. Vi spørger musikere, der har erfaringer på dette felt om, hvorfor det er interessant at indgå partnerskaber og ikke blot at finde sig en sponsor. Hvad får de ud af det? Hvilke fordele og ulemper er der? Og ikke mindst – hvilke fordomme (hvis nogen) støder man på, når man som musiker indleder et samarbejde med et kommercielt brand.
Panel: Emil Simonsen/Suspekt & Martin Kjær Skou.
Moderator: Le Gammeltoft/Heartbeat.

Le Gammeltoft (DK)

Emil Simonsen (DK)