Music Cities Network Seminar
SPOT+ presents the newly formed, Music Cities Network, and together with a string of external speakers, the network will discuss the term “music cities”, the development of creative businesses, presenting strategies and discuss cooperation in regards to talent development, educational projects, exchange programs and the importance of creating new international relationships.
Presented by Music Cities Network & Music City Aarhus in collaboration with Promus & SPOT+.
Welcome by Rabih Azad-Ahmad/Mayor of Sport, Culture and Citizen Services, The City of Aarhus.

Rabih Azad-Ahmad (DK)
Educating for a Life of Creativity in the Creative Economy
Keynote by Christer Windeløv-Lidzélius/The Kaospilots – Aarhus.
Today culture and art are recognized by most as key for living in an attractive society. It is often seen as the original sources of new thinking, pushing boundaries and generates original ideas that ultimately bring our societies forward. But where the creative economy is by some considered to be the next stage after the knowledge society, some see it as a fluffy concept without real consequence to the economic value creation. In this talk we will address the value of the creative economy by a bottom up approach by looking at a few cases, but also to see how education can play a positive role for helping people succeed in a context where creativity and innovation is desired beyond everything.

Christer Windeløv-Lidzélius (DK)
Why Music Cities?
After a short presentation by representatives from Hamburg, Bergen, Norrköping & Aarhus, the panel will discuss what it takes to be a music city and how they work as such, how music is implemented in an overall cultural strategy, why music matters and what it can do from – not only from an artistic, cultural, social, and educational perspective, but also from a business perspective.
Panel: Johannes Everke/Hamburg Marketing, Sandra Wall/Musikhuvudstad 2020 – Norrköping, Karen Sofie Sørensen/BRAK – Bergen & Jesper Mardahl/Promus & Music City Aarhus.
Moderator: Carsten Ortmann/DR P1

Johannes Everke (DE)
Sandra Wall (SE)

Karen Sofie Sørensen (NO)

Jesper Mardahl (DK)

Carsten Ortmann (DK)
Introduction to Music Cities Network
An overview and introduction to aims, means and best-practices from the new network now consisting of music cities such as Groningen, Sydney, Aarhus, Berlin & Hamburg.
Meet Jesper Mardahl/Promus & Music City Aarhus & Timotheus Wiesmann/IHM Hamburg.

Jesper Mardahl (DK)

Timotheus Wiesmann (DE)
Music Education and Business – Hand in Hand
This seminar will be focusing on the connection between music business and higher music education. Representatives from Music Academies from Music Cities will discuss possibilities and obstacles in creating an international and entrepreneurial mindset amongst staff and student, in order to prepare students for sustainable careers.
Meet Keld Hosbond/Royal Academy of Music – Aarhus, Katharina Strauer/Hochschule für Musik & Theater – Hamburg & Dagfinn Bach/Universitetet i Bergen.

Keld Hosbond (DK)

Katharina Strauer (DE)

Dagfinn Bach (NO)
The Future of Marketing and Audience Development of Music Venues & Festivals
Panel: Claudia Nethge/Mojo Club – Hamburg, Andi Schmidt/Molotow Club – Hamburg & John Fogde/Northside – Aarhus.
Moderator: Lena Ingwersen/Music Cities Network – Hamburg.

Claudia Nethge (DE)

Andi Schmidt (DE)

John Fogde (DK)

Lena Ingwersen (DE)