CMU Insights @ SPOT+: Youtube – Friend or Foe?
Sat May 6th 13:30-14:30 | Suecia
CMU MD and Business Editor Chris Cooke will explain the strained relationship between YouTube and the music industry, reviewing the so-called safe harbours that YouTube relies on and how the European Copyright Directive may change them. He will then discuss the issues – but also why YouTube is still a key partner for artists and labels – with two persons representing their different view on the matter.
Panel: Niels Mosumgaard/DPA/Koda & Rasmus Nordqvist/MP, The Alternative.
Moderator: Chris Cooke/CMU
Presented by CMU in collaboration with Promus & SPOT+.

Chris Cooke (UK)
MD & Business Editor, CMU Insights
Chris Cooke is MD and Business Editor of CMU. The CMU business provides training and consultancy to music companies, hosts the UKs biggest music business conference at The Great Escape festival in Brighton, and runs the CMU:DIY education program for new talent. Chris writes for CMUs media, co-hosts the podcast, curates and presents CMU@TGE, and leads on training and consultancy projects.

Niels Mosumgaard (DK)
Chairman, DPA & Koda
Niels Mosumgaard is a composer and songwriter and he is also chairman of DPA and Kodas board. The last years he has been part of the discussions on digital distribution of music and the challenges it rises. He has been one of four artists in the global music industrys attempts to raise a database system for performing rights, which today is part of CISAC and the FastTrack system.

Rasmus Norqvist (DK)
MP, The Alternative
Rasmus Nordqvist is member of Parliament for the Alternative and has been since 2015. He is Spokesman on political affairs, foreign affairs, the EU, cultural affairs and media. He has a bachelordegree in Design from The Royal Art Academy and has been international brand manager for Bitte Kai Rand. Furthermore he has been teaching at the Design School in Kolding and Esmod Berlin.