How Can We Create a Transparent Digital Music Market?
Sat May 6th 11:00-12:00 | Suecia
We have never had so much data available in the music industry. And yet, everybody complains about the lack of transparency.
Meet Benji Rogers/DotBlockChainMusic, Niels Mosumgaard/DPA/Koda, Niclas Molinder/Auddly & Mads Voigt Hingelberg/Innovation Lab.

Niels Mosumgaard (DK)
Chairman of the Board, DPA/Koda
Niels Mosumgaard is Chairman of DPA and KODA's board besides being a composer and songwriter. The last years he has been part of the discussions on digital distribution of music and the challenges it rises. He has been one of four artists in the global music industrys attempts to raise a database system for performing rights, which today is part of CISAC and the FastTrack system.

Benji Rogers (UK)
CEO & Co-founder, DotBlockChainMusic
Benji Rogers is a New York-based entrepreneur, technologist, musician, the founder of PledgeMusic and co-founder of the DOT Blockchain Music Project - an attempt to create a decentralized global registry of music rights using blockchain technology that will overhaul the commercialization and movement of music online. Rogers is also an instructor at Berklee College of Music on digital trends and strategies in the industry.

Niclas Molinder (SE)
Founder , Auddly & Music Rights Awareness Foundation
After 20 years of hitmaking for artists as Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga and Mary J Blige, as well as running his own publishing company Niclas Molinder putted his creative work aside to revolutionize the music industrys rights side. In 2014 he founded the worlds first independent song data hub Auddly, with the vision of a transparent and digitized data flow where everyone get paid and credited correctly. Two years later he started Music Rights Awareness Foundation as a linked initiative to increase the worlds knowledge about music rights.

Mads Voigt Hingelberg (DK)
LabAgent, Innovation Lab
Mads has worked with Big Data for more than 10 years. His large hands-on experience gives him a practical and useful fundament supervising this discipline. Through lectures, workshops and strategic supervision he gives insight in both society- organizational- and management possibilities regarding Big Data. In addition Mads has also been responsible for eBays business on mobile units in Denmark.

Jesper Bay (DK)
Managing Director, MusicMatters
Jesper Bay runs his own consulting company working with music and culture. His work are primarily communication, strategy, business and event development. He is also a partner in the music company Body of Work with the singer and songwriter Asbjørn, president of the Bremen Theatre, vice chairman of the Danish National Opera and a member of the Music Committee in Aarhus.