Introduction to Music Cities Network
Fri May 5th 14:00-14:20 | Nortvegia
An overview and introduction to aims, means and best-practices from the new network now consisting of music cities such as Groningen, Sydney, Aarhus, Berlin & Hamburg.
Meet Jesper Mardahl/Promus & Music City Aarhus & Timotheus Wiesmann/IHM Hamburg.

Jesper Mardahl (DK)
Managing Director, Promus & Music City Aarhus
With more than 35 years as a music industry professional, Jesper has been around most areas of the music scene in Denmark. Initially as a musician, but since then mostly working "backstage" as A&R manager, producer, label manager, and artist manager for some of the leading record companies in Denmark. Jesper earlier worked as a project manager at Denmarks largest music magazine, GAFFA & as co-developer of the Music Management education at the Royal Academy of Music. Since 2010 he has been head of Promus The Music Community of Aarhus Denmarks second-largest city.

Timotheus Wiesmann (DE)
Managing Director, IHM Hamburg
Timotheus Wiesmann is managing director of the Hamburg Music Business Association (IHM) the network of Hamburgs music business. After completing his university degree in cultural and media studies in Düsseldorf and Nantes/France, working in Cardiff/Wales, and doing a masters degree in cultural and media management in Hamburg, Timotheus worked for music and cultural festivals for the KMM-Institute in Hamburg, and for the digital distributor finetunes.