Music Education and Business – Hand in Hand
Fri May 5th 14:20-15:00 | Nortvegia
This seminar will be focusing on the connection between music business and higher music education. Representatives from Music Academies from Music Cities will discuss possibilities and obstacles in creating an international and entrepreneurial mindset amongst staff and student, in order to prepare students for sustainable careers.
Meet Keld Hosbond/Royal Academy of Music – Aarhus, Katharina Strauer/Hochschule für Musik & Theater – Hamburg & Dagfinn Bach/Universitetet i Bergen.

Keld Hosbond (DK)
Vice Principal, Royal Academy of Music - Aarhus
Keld Hosbond has degrees in Political Science from Aarhus University and in rhythmic music and trombone from Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus/Aalborg. Appointed Head of International Relations at RAMA in 2004, he has been initiating and managing major projects within internationalization of the Higher Music Education sector in Europe and globally. He has been a key figure in implementing curricular innovations at RAMA within the areas of Entrepreneurship & Distance Learning.

Katharina Strauer (DE)
International Koordinator, Hochschule für Music und Theater - Hamburg
After working several years in a cultural center in Hamburg, Katharina Strauer managed a venue for children and young people. While studying at Hamburg University of Fine Arts, she specialized in print media and typography. After her diploma, she began a vocal training at a small private school and since 2009 Katharina Strauer has been working as an international coordinator at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater. The main focus of her current work is the combination of different artistic areas, bridging education from university to society and supporting student network initiatives.

Dagfinn Bach (NO)
Universitetet i Bergen
Dagfinn Bach is currently acting as adviser for international projects at the new Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design of the University of Bergen. As one of the pioneers in the online music business working for Western Norway Research Institute (1986-1995), he became the leader of a cluster of very early pilot projects on MP3 in music production and distribution (1991-1993), digitisation of music archives (1992-1994), and one of the first mixed-mode audio/multimedia CD-ROMs in 1992. In 2007 he was one of the co-founders of the MPEG-7 technology company Bach Technology AS. From 2007 to 2015 he was acting as the R&D director, and since 2015, as the President of Bach Technology AS.