Photo: Allan Niss
One-track Mind – How Digital Changes Artist Development
Sat May 6th 14:30-15:30 | Nortvegia
Keith Harris is the man to go to if you want the big picture of the developments in the music industry over the last 40 years and what they mean to the artists and the business. In this conversation he will talk about how streaming services’ focus on single tracks changes artist development for both managers, labels and publishers. And yes, he will also talk about Stevie Wonder!
Interviewer: Jesper Bay/MusicMatters.
Presented by DMF/Danish Musicians’ Union in cooperation with Promus & SPOT+.

Keith Harris (UK)
Manager - Stevie Wonder, Music Tank
With more than 40 years in the music industry, music legend Keith Harris has many experiences to share about his life in music. Harris is best known for his many years of working with Stevie Wonder, partly as his manager, partly as Operation Manager for Stevies companies. Keith has been leader of the legendary Motown record label and has since used his expertise to advise many English musicians.

Jesper Bay (DK)
Managing Director, MusicMatters
Jesper Bay runs his own consulting company working with music and culture. His work are primarily communication, strategy, business and event development. He is also a partner in the music company Body of Work with the singer and songwriter Asbjørn, president of the Bremen Theatre, vice chairman of the Danish National Opera and a member of the Music Committee in Aarhus.