The Future of Marketing and Audience Development of Music Venues & Festivals
Fri May 5th 15:00-15:45 | Nortvegia
Music venues and festivals have always had an interest in reaching out to new audiences and strengthening bonds with existing ones. Music Cities Network is now starting an Audience Development Knowledge Exchange program between the venues and festivals of the participating cities to investigate best practice models of audience development, participation and experience in the music sector. This panel, which will kick-off the project, will discuss some of the challenges and needs within the field, and will also discuss what makes the future music venue and festival.
Panel: Claudia Nethge/Mojo Club – Hamburg, Andi Schmidt/Molotow Club – Hamburg & John Fogde/Northside – Aarhus.
Moderator: Lena Ingwersen/Music Cities Network – Hamburg.

Claudia Nethge (DE)
Booker, Mojo Club - Hamburg
Claudia Nethge started out as a freelance graphic designer and music journalist. After a decade she completely quit design and decided to focus on music. For a few years she worked in editorial management for a music download shop, before becoming part of the mojo club as head of booking.

Andi Schmidt (DE)
CEO, Molotow Club - Hamburg
Andi Schmidt, born in Vienna and grown up in Hamburg, has been directing the Molotow on the Reeperbahn in St. Pauli for over 20 years. He started out as a DJ in Molotow opening year 1990 and has been touring as a guitarist and singer in various bands for decades - having knowledge of the business from both sides.

John Fogde (DK)
Booker & spokesperson, NorthSide - Aarhus
After six years as news editor at GAFFA, John Fogde was hired as booker & spokesperson at NorthSide in 2011. John have had the responsibility for all relations to the press, medias and record companies in the period where the capacity of the festival has grown from 14.000 to 40.000 guests. As press Officer he moreover manage NorthSide's press profile together with the TV-, radio- and streaming rights to Danmarks Radio.

Lena Ingwersen (DE)
Project Manager, Music Cities Network - Hamburg
Being rooted in Hamburg for more than seven years and after finishing her master degree in cultural and media management at the HfMT, Lena Ingwersen is working as a project and artist manager and is also known under her DJ name Lej. Apart of being the german manager for the danish bands Girls in Airports and Øya, she is co-founder of the transdisciplinary festival concept Hallo Festspiele and Schaltzentrale, an artistic format of spatial development in Hamburg. Since November 2016 she works for the Music Cities Network, a new network dedicated to improving communication and cooperation between music cities around the world. She is fascinated by the role as a facilitator at the interface between different cultural and musical policies and aims to challenge stereotyped thinking.

Amira Gluhic (DK)
Manager, HeadQuarters - Aarhus
Amira Gluhic is the manager at HeadQuarters and has the responsibility for all decisions concerning the business. Amira has studied Music Management at The Academy of Music i Aarhus (2013-2014) and has moreover a bachelor degree in anthropology and ethnology (2008-2011).