Why Music Cities?
Fri May 5th 13:10-13:50 | Nortvegia
After a short presentation by representatives from Hamburg, Bergen, Norrköping & Aarhus, the panel will discuss what it takes to be a music city and how they work as such, how music is implemented in an overall cultural strategy, why music matters and what it can do from – not only from an artistic, cultural, social, and educational perspective, but also from a business perspective.
Panel: Johannes Everke/Hamburg Marketing, Sandra Wall/Musikhuvudstad 2020 – Norrköping, Karen Sofie Sørensen/BRAK – Bergen & Jesper Mardahl/Promus & Music City Aarhus.
Moderator: Carsten Ortmann/DR P1

Johannes Everke (DE)
Head of Digital Marketing, Hamburg Marketing
As director of marketing services at Hamburg Marketing Johannes has extensive experience working with the full spectrum of music businesses, artists and events to promote the city, both in Germany and internationally. He has been instrumental in developing a strategy, based on initiatives, involving the organisations stake holders; local tourism board, the local development agency, Hamburg airport and the convention bureau - as well as local musicians, venues, musicals, classical orchestras and even Europes largest metal festival, Wacken.
Sandra Wall (SE)
Projekt Manager, Musikhuvudstad 2020 - Norrköping
Sandra Wall is a project manager at the Trade and Industrydepartment. Her main focus is to find and implement best practices in the municipal structures to create a sustainable and successful music scene. She followed the development in Norrköping for almost 20 years as the cultural columnist, reporter, reviewer and editor for the local newspaper NT/Ostgota Media- including their website and tv-channel.

Karen Sofie Sørensen (NO)
Manager , BRAK - Bergen
Karen Sofie Sørensen is the manager of the organization Brak in Bergen. Brak has been an important part in developing the music scene on the westcoast of Norway since 1997. It is a is a non-profit artist and music business development center helping musicians, bands, venues, promoters and other music business through various projects, seminars, workshops and guidance. Brak is also organizing the music conference during the new festival Vill Vill Vest in Bergen in September. Karen Sofie is also a board member of Music Norway, Bergen City Event and Norwegian Live Music Association.

Jesper Mardahl (DK)
Managing Director, Promus & Music City Aarhus
With more than 35 years as a music industry professional, Jesper has been around most areas of the music scene in Denmark. Initially as a musician, but since then mostly working "backstage" as A&R manager, producer, label manager, and artist manager for some of the leading record companies in Denmark. Jesper earlier worked as a project manager at Denmarks largest music magazine, GAFFA & as co-developer of the Music Management education at the Royal Academy of Music. Since 2010 he has been head of Promus The Music Community of Aarhus Denmarks second-largest city.

Carsten Ortmann (DK)
Producer & host, DR P1
Carsten Ortmann is one of the country's best communicators of music and philosophy. Carsten has for many years been producer and radio host at P1 and miscellaneous music- and culture programs at P1, P2 and P8. He has a degree in Aesthetic and Culture from Aarhus University and is a musician in different bands, such as JP & Yeti, Picnic, Guttermændene, Shirtsville, Tintin & Hårtørrerne, Hunk Ai & Fullface Storband.