Let’s Talk Sync 2.0
During a string of sessions at SPOT+ we will be focusing on the many aspects of working with sync in commercials, film and TV!
Presented by Promus & SPOT+ in cooperation with NARIP (National Association of Record Industry Professionals), with support from Music Publishers Association of Denmark and the Arts Council of Denmark.
Opening remarks by Tess Taylor
Tess Taylor, NARIP, will give a brief introduction to the Let’s Talk Sync seminar.

Tess Taylor (US)
Introducing the Nordic Sync Model
In 2015, Nordic rights holders agreed on a shared model for sync licensing. The process of creating the model started years before, in a time where broadcasters and producers were severely limiting their use of copyright music. Now the model represents something unique in the world of licensing. Nordic Copyright Bureau will give you some insights into the model and its purpose.
Meet Gina Rosland Eide/Nordic Copyright Bureau.

Gina Rosland Eide (DK/NO)
Biased History of Music in Advertising
Music in advertising has become an important aspect and monetizer of the global music industry, but it wasn’t always relevant nor respected. Josh Rabinowitz, an important player in the business for the last two decades, will examine that history and deliver some anecdotal insight into why people pay so much attention to that intriguing space where music and ads intersect.
Meet Josh Rabinowitz/Townhouse.

Josh Rabinowitz (US)
How to Pitch & Place Music in Hollywood Film, TV & Trailers
Music placement has increased dramatically in importance with new media channels, and the competition just to get noticed is fierce. In this presentation Tess Taylor will share best practices for reaching busy people that improve chances of success. Most importantly, she will discuss fee ranges for the top 8 areas of music placement, and how to make and close deals in ways that keep music buyers coming back for more.
Meet Tess Taylor, president of NARIP
The Gatekeepers and Placement of Music in Commercials
In a recent article in Forbes Magazine, music supervisor Jordan Passman of Los Angeles-based scoreAscore, digs into the infrastructure of placing music in commercials and which “gatekeepers” to pass. This panel will discuss this subject in more detail and bring their own experiences to the table.
Meet Jordan Passman/scoreAscore, Jocelyn Brown/Leo Burnett, Morgan Thoryk/Media Arts Lab, Patrick Buchanan/Ignition Creative & Jesper Gadeberg/Musicstylist.com. Moderator: Tess Taylor, NARIP

Jordan Passman (US)

Jocelyn Brown (US)

Morgan Thoryk (US)

Patrick Buchanan (US)

Jesper Gadeberg (DK)
How to “Breaking Bad”
Thomas Golubic is one of the top-level music supervisors within music and TV-series. He is responsible for the music for ”Breaking Bad”, ”6 Feet Under”, ”The Killing", ”Better Call Saul”, ”Halt & Catch Fire” & ”The Walking Dead”, and he will tell us more about his work in this interview with Nis Bøgvad.
Meet Thomas Golubic/SuperMusicVision in a conversation with Nis Bøgvad/Copenhagen Film Music.

Thomas Golubic (US)